Friday, May 30, 2014

A Service for the Blessing of the Fleet

Opening Prayer
Loving and gracious God, we ask your presence upon our blessing of the fleet. We thank you for the beauty of this community and the mighty waters that surround this island.  May we always use and care for your gifts of the land and the sea in a way that is pleasing to you.  In your holy name we pray. Amen
A Reading From Psalm 107

Some of you set sail in big ships;
    you put to sea to do business on the mighty waters.
Out at sea you saw God in action,
    saw his breathtaking ways with the ocean:
With a word he called up the wind—
    an ocean storm, towering waves!
You shot high in the sky, then the bottom dropped out;
    your hearts were stuck in your throats.
You were spun like a top, you reeled like a drunkard,
    you didn’t know which end was up.
Then you called out to God in your desperate condition;
    he got you out in the nick of time.
He quieted the wind down to a whisper,
    put a muzzle on all the big waves.
You were so glad when the storm died down,
    and he led you safely back to harbor.
So thank God for his marvelous love,
    for his miracle mercy to the children he loves.
Lift high your praises when the people assemble,
    shout Hallelujah when the elders meet!

Let us Pray for Those Who Fish

Almighty God we give thanks for all those who work at sea. We acknowledge our need for the resources they gather and their dedication to feeding our world. We recognize that they are sometimes in danger and their work often involves sacrifices in their family life. Help us to show our gratitude not only in our words, but also in our actions. Through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

Let Us Pray for Those Who Support the Fleet
Almighty God, we pray for those who support those who go to sea.  We give thanks for those who build, repair and maintain ships and boats and equipment, for those who sort and process the catch, for those who provide their supplies, feed them, care for their daily needs and welcome them home.  Give them joyful hearts as they care for those who go to sea.  Grant to all whose work connects them with the sea the blessings of safety, enough to eat and a just reward for all their work. Through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.
Let us Pray for Others Whose Calling is the Sea
We pray, O God for all others who go to sea as they fulfill their duties and face the dangers of their calling: the officers, men and women of the United States Coast Guard, the Maine Ferry Service, pilots and all others whose calling is on the sea. Grant them your strength and protection and give them wisdom and courage in their hours of special need.  Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Prayer of Blessing
Today we gather to bless this fleet, those who work on the sea, those who support them in their calling and all those who sail from this island.  

God of boundless love, at the beginning of creation your Spirit swept over the waters.  You called forth every creature and made the seas team with life.  Your son Jesus calmed the Sea of Galilee, brought his disciples to safety, and filled the nets of his disciples to overflowing.  Bless this fleet, their equipment, gear and all who serve.  Protect them from wind and rain and the dangers of the deep.  Provide for them an abundant harvest and return them always to this harbor in your light and peace.  May the saving power of our Lord, guide and protect you all, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen. 

 The photograph is entitled "Two Crows" and is by Peter Ralston.  Peter is a friend and a wonderful supporter and ally of our Maine Island communities.  Please visit his gallery in Rockport and his website at

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