Thursday, June 20, 2024

Jesus Christ! Wake UP!

Mark 4:35-41

On that day, when evening had come, Jesus said to them, “Let us go across to the other side.” And leaving the crowd behind, they took him with them in the boat, just as he was. Other boats were with him. A great windstorm arose, and the waves beat into the boat, so that the boat was already being swamped. But he was in the stern, asleep on the cushion; and they woke him up and said to him, “Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?” He woke up and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Peace! Be still!” Then the wind ceased, and there was a dead calm. He said to them, “Why are you afraid? Have you still no faith?” And they were filled with great awe and said to one another, “Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?”

In the ancient world, the sea was the embodiment of chaos.  Today, it seems like the whole world is the embodiment of chaos!  In the Gospel story the disciples’ reaction gives us a good idea of just how bad that particular chaos really was.  These were fishermen, who made a living on that very body of water, and this particular chaos ruffled those pros’ feathers so it must have been big.  Our chaos is equally big.  New Mexico on fire, a Tropical storm coming ashore in Texas, an August-like heatwave in June.  All the result of the self inflicted chaos called Climate Change.  Then there’s the storm in Israel and Gaza and, in case you’ve forgotten, there’s a presidential race that is chaos on a Biblical level, in and of itself.  

Then, in addition to our shared chaos, we each have our own personal storms and chaos rocking our own personal boats.  Mine is currently rocked by being tired and by people who invoke the word Christian to promote actions and policies that are blatantly anti-Christ!  You can’t be against feeding the hungry, against healing the sick, and against welcoming the stranger and claim the title “Christian” at the same time.  These are all things that Jesus himself modeled for us to do as his disciples… as Christians.  So, if you are against feeding the hungry, you are not Christian.  In fact you’re anti-Christ.  If you are promoting policy that will take away health care from those in need, you are anti-Christ.  If you are unwelcoming to the foreigner you are anti-Christ.  The time for us to allow people to freely use the title “Christian” while at the same time acting in ways that are anti-Christ is long since past.


So how are we together or as individuals supposed to deal with all this chaos?  Well I think it’s time for us to wake Jesus up!  We’ve got real, Biblical sized chaos raging all around us and up to this point, we like those disciples in the story from today, have not as yet roused Jesus from his cushion!  It’s time!  It’s past time!  So Jesus!  Rise and shine!  Wakey-wakey, eggs and bakie!  Like the original disciples, we disciples have let the mess go on way too long without calling the One who has the power to actually manage the mess, calm the wind, and still the raging storms.  But like the original disciples, in spite of waiting too long, we too can do it now!  The question is how?  How do we wake Jesus who is asleep within us all?

When it comes to waking up the sleeping, the internet (the repository of all knowledge), suggests that one of the best ways is to slowly let in the light!  What’s that look like?  As a church letting in the light looks a lot like our corners of kindness shining light into the world.  But what about for us as individuals?  How can WE rouse Jesus from his cushion where he’s sleeping within us?  Generosity always brings light into darkness.  Compassion does as well.  What is just one simple generous thing that you can do today?  What might be one simple act of compassion you can make happen today that will let some light in and begin to wake the Christ within you?

The internet also suggests that music is helpful to move folks out of their sleep inertia or grogginess and into wakefulness.  Is there a way you can rouse the Christ within you from his pillow with music?  Maybe try singing with others?  A good idea I think.  I know a place you can do that once every week!  Sing for a Sunday in the summer choir?  Buy a ticket for a friend to the next Lichgate concert.  Create a playlist of rise and shine music?  Maybe just whistling while you work will help to wake up Jesus within you?

Gentle touch is also said to rouse those who are sleeping.  But for touch to work you need to be within range.  So as either Woody Allen or Stephen Hawking said, showing up is half the battle.  Others on the internet insist it is much more than just half!  To rouse Jesus from his sleep within us we need to put ourselves within physical range of others who can help to rouse him within us with a handshake or a hug.  We need to be there for one another to remind each other that the One who can calm the chaos du jour, isn’t at all that far away.  He’s right there and yes please!  Go and jostle him awake!

The disciples in the midst of their fear and in the face of raging storms and chaos forgot Jesus was right there.   In the midst of our raging storms and the world’s chaos around us we tend to forget that Jesus is just as close for us as he was for them.  So wait no longer!  Let’s wake him up!  Let’s let in the light!  Sing out loud!  Let's reach out to one another with a touch and get him off that dang cushion!  We need him!  We need him awake and giving the storms of this world what for!  It’s time we wake Jesus up within us all so that we and all of creation might have the peace we need.  Hey Jesus!  Wake up!  Amen.  

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