Luke 4:14-21
Then Jesus, filled with the power of the Spirit, returned to Galilee, and a report about him spread through all the surrounding country. He began to teach in their synagogues and was praised by everyone. When he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, he went to the synagogue on the sabbath day, as was his custom. He stood up to read, and the scroll of the prophet Isaiah was given to him. He unrolled the scroll and found the place where it was written: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.” And he rolled up the scroll, gave it back to the attendant, and sat down. The eyes of all in the synagogue were fixed on him. Then he began to say to them, “Today this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.”
You’ll remember that Jesus got baptized a couple of weeks ago and then last week he went to (and saved) a big party. This week however, Jesus gets to WORK! He starts in the Synagogue by letting everyone know what he is after and the way for all of us to get there. Some might say he laid out his “Vision” and his “Mission”, but since I did time in corporate America in the early ’90’s those particular words make me itch, so we’ll just say he laid out his plans and stuck to them all the way to the end.
What Jesus intended for the world was what he called “The Year of the Lord’s Favor” otherwise known as the year of Jubilee. The Year of Jubilee was a law laid out in Leviticus that says that after “Seven Sabbaths of years”… in other words after 49 years, the 50th year would be Holy and there should be a country wide economic/justice/political reset. All debts would be forgiven, family lands that had been lost because of bad harvests, bad deals, bad faith, bad luck or just plain bad ideas would be returned to the original families. People held captive as indentured servants or slaves as a consequence of similar bad harvests, bad deals, bad faith, bad luck or bad ideas would be set free.
Of course something like that would completely disrupt the current political order, upend generational wealth, give the down and out a fresh start, and eliminate the billionaire class… so of course, the powers-that-be never quite got around to putting THAT part of God’s Law into practice, BUT nevertheless, THAT was Jesus’ plan. THAT was Jesus’ GOOD NEWS. THAT was (and still is) the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
The way he planned to make that happen would be by proclaiming to the world that “The Year of the Lord’s Favor” is what God wanted and from God’s point of view, there was nothing stopping all the world from walking into that new day. He would tell that to the poor… those who were poor in money, land, and resources… sure, but also to those who were poor in spirit, faith and hope… the people for whom any or all of those things had been lost, crushed, or ripped away from them leaving them to feel like they would NEVER return. He would also share that Good News with the captives. Again, not just those in physical captivity but also those trapped by who they were, where they were from, what they looked like, or the socio-economic or political cards they had been dealt.
What Jesus preached in that Synagogue, on his very first official day at the office, was what genuine Christians call… THE GOSPEL… It is the core of the Christian Faith and it IS by it’s very nature, from that very first moment it came out of the Son of God’s mouth, OVERTLY political, OVERTLY revolutionary, and OVERTLY frightening to anyone who makes their living at the expense of others… others held captive by a system of ruthlessness, cruelty, poverty and injustice.
If you want to know who it was who brought the Church into the world of politics, don’t look at Bishop Mariann Budde, the Episcopal Bishop of Washington D.C. who was accused of "bringing her church into politics" this week, or to any other former or contemporary minister of the Church. If you want to know THE OG PERSON who brought the Church into politics, look no further than to the ONE named Jesus! HE is the one who brought HIS church right into the heart of politics… and he did it, here in this lesson, on his very first day on the job!
Those who have brought the Church into politics since then have simply been continuing to do what Jesus showed his disciples to do from his very first day at work until his last… they have proclaimed what Jesus proclaimed… advocated for those whom Jesus advocated for… and held up a mirror to the powerful and unjust so they would be forced to see their sin… Which is exactly what Jesus did to the powerful and unjust of his day. The word we use for people who continue to do the things that Jesus did in that Synagogue on his first day of work and continued to do through his death and resurrection… the word we use for people like that? That word is FAITHFUL!
This past week we saw Bishop Mariann Budde proclaim what Jesus proclaimed, speak for the people Jesus spoke for and hold up a mirror to those who do indeed need to take a hard look at what they have done and what they have said they plan to do. She did that in EXACTLY the same way Jesus did in that Synagogue on his first day at work. She did it with calmness, matter of fact-ness, clarity, fearlessness, honesty, and with the accumulated intelligence of countless saints gathered over the last two thousand years of Church History. And what said was ABSOLUTELY compelling, but not because it was a Bishop of the church who said it, or because of the cathedral in which she said it, or because of who was sitting in the pews that day. What she said was compelling for no other reason than that IT WAS THE GOSPEL of JESUS CHRIST and for those who didn’t like what she proclaimed… they need to take that up, not with her, but with God’s only begotten Son who said it all first and compelled his disciples to keep saying it until it happened!
May Jesus’ first day in the office be a model for us to continue to proclaim Good News to the poor and release to the captives of all kinds. May those faithful disciples stretching back to the Apostle Paul, through saints like Martin Niemoller, and martyrs like Dietrich Bonhoeffer, and into today with people like Bishop Mariann Budde continue to inspire us all to proclaim the revolutionary, political POWER of the Gospel of Jesus Christ… and may we, like our faithful foremothers and forefathers continue always to generously comfort the afflicted and overtly afflict the comfortable until all of creation finally accepts the invitation of the God who loved us all into being and we walk together in love into the Year of the Lord’s Favor! Amen.